The last two months have been our season of wedding around here let me tell you. HHBL’s cousin got married several weeks ago and we partied the night away with family.
And then, of course, there was this little gathering.
And then, this past weekend we attended the wedding of Alison and Brendan, Alison happening to be TMO’s very, very BFF in the whole wide world. They have been buds since they saw each other across a crowded 1st grade room and decided that they were going to be best friends. There was no going back on that. Come heck, high water, or boyfriends…and now husbands.
I really love weddings, especially ones that I am not in charge of and am not paying for. And this wedding was so lovely and unusually. Lets take a look shall we? Cuz, you know, you guys are just my BBF’s (best bloggie friends) and I have to share everything with you. Maybe tomorrow we can talk about the terrible sore throat I had last week.
Unless we were in West Virginia where I believe the age of consent for marriage might be a tad younger.
Where were we? Oh yes. Well, every wedding has it’s on flavor as it were. Some are very formal where you sit in quiet anticipation of the booming organ announcing the arrival of the bride. Or perhaps there is a string quartet or something.
In the 20 minutes or so before the wedding we were treated to a number of different musical interludes.
Oh, and by way of explanation. In a bunch of the forthcoming photos there will be a blurry area or two, right down there in the corner of the picture. The spot that cannot be cropped out even though I tried. Those happen to belong to the two women with big hair who were so kindly seated in front of me.
Why she likes to hang around with me I will never understand.
Mr. and Mrs. Brendan Haggerty!
And then it was on to the reception. And I will be honest. I took about 5 pictures after this point. And why did the picture taking grind to a halt you might ask?
Well, it is because at the reception I got to visit long and hard with some people that I don’t get to see very often.
And so, we partied and talked and ate and then came home and collapsed because it was just an excellent day.
And Sue? You don’t ever have to do this again you lucky girl!!!
So many smiles....looks like a good time was had by all.
ReplyDeleteI just don't know how in the world the parents of the bride could sing! But oh what a wonderful tribute. I wouldn't even be able to talk, much less sing.
ReplyDeleteLooks like a great day.. thanks for sharing :) -Tammy
I just happened upon your blog this morning and had to say - LOL yeah, that little guy does look like hes plotting mischief! And that picture of the kiss is fabulous!
There is NO way I could have ever done anything like that at my wedding! My husband and I were such blithering idiots that the minister started whispering to us with a funny accent just to get us through it all! Daddy wouldn't have sung because he was walking me down the aisle saying, "It's not too late. We can still back out!" I sure do miss Daddy, and I was thankful for the option, but glad we didn't back out!