So, what is your birthday cake tradition in your house? Boxed mix? Ice cream cake? Cake from the store? We have employed all those at one time or another. I am partial, on a general basis to boxed mix Devil’s Food cake with generic white frosting. Yuuuuuuuuuum. But, for birthdays most of us ask for this cake. The yummy cake. This Miami Beach Cake.
The recipe originally came from Mimi (my mom) but I am not sure where she got it. It has just always been there in my life. A happy thing that came along at birthdays.
So lets get started with this shall we.
I speak from experience. It was a sad day.
After several “bad egg” incidents I usually break the eggs into a separate bowl and then add them individually. That ensures that one bad egg doesn’t ruin either the other eggs that you are using or ruins the batter. It also ensures that you don’t drop the egg shell into the bowl where the beaters then pulverize it into the cake batter as you look on helplessly.
When that happens it really puts a cramp in your day….
I would know……
Then you need to add the melted morsels and the vanilla. You know that any recipe that has these two ingredients is going to be good. It just has to be.
Then add the dry ingredients alternately with the buttermilk, beginning and ending with the dry ingredients. Why I don’t know but that is the way to do it.
Take the layers out and let them cool, on a rack on your counter.
And now, as a break while the layers are cooling, I will tell you the “Max and the Miami Beach Cake” story. You knew there had to be one didn’t you.
Max and the Miami Beach Cake
So, I had made a MBC for The Engaged One’s birthday one year, it is her favorite. The layers were cooling on the counter. I was busy around the house that day and I went upstairs to do something, I don’t remember what now.
When I came downstairs and entered the kitchen the first thing that was in my line of sight was the cake pans sitting on the counter. But something looked…..different. Slightly off if you will. So, I had made a MBC for The Engaged One’s birthday one year, it is her favorite. The layers were cooling on the counter. I was busy around the house that day and I went upstairs to do something, I don’t remember what now.
Hmmmmm, what is that on the counter in front of the pans?
Walked over to the counter and took a closer look.
That’s strange, it looks like a pile of crumbs. There wasn’t a pile of crumbs there before.
Then I took a closer look at the cake layer that was cooling in the pan. And mind you, the pan was in exactly the same place as it had been when I went upstairs. It hadn’t moved….
But part of the layer was missing….right out of the pan.
Yup, he had put his front paws up onto the counter and very quietly eaten part of the cake layer right out of the pan. But he was so careful and sneaky about it that he didn’t even move the cake pan.
I looked at the layer…… I looked at the clock…… I wondered if I had time to bake an entire other layer……I seriously considered just filling in that spot with whipped cream.
No one would ever know….but me.
No, I didn’t do that! I baked another layer.
Now back to the recipe.
By this time your layers should be cooled. You can now frost the cake.
Pour 1 pint of heavy whipping cream into the chilled bowl of your mixer (I just stick the bowl in the freezer for a few minutes). Whip until light and fluffy and holds soft peaks. About half way through add some sugar to sweeten. I am not sure about the measurement (sorry Lauren) but I would think it is no more than a tablespoon or so.
I am trying something new as far as posting the actual recipe. You can find a link below that should take you to a site where you can just print out the recipe by itself. This way it should be easier (I hope) for you to print it out. We will see
Miami Beach Cake
Lick the plate. Definitely. Lick the plate.
ReplyDeleteWhat?? No measurement of how much sugar to add to the whipped cream frosting? Forget it. I'm not baking it now.