It is still March.
It is still cold.
It is raining and they are saying snow for tonight and possibly tomorrow.
So lets talk GARDEN!
LookLeap and I took a trip out to the old homestead garden plot today. We hadn’t been out there since the last halcyon days of late Summer/early Fall when all the clean out was done. When the last of the tomatoes were harvested and we were reflecting on……
the good……
and the bad that had happened in our first year of garden. The garden was still where we left it last Fall. That isn’t a surprise considering it is a community garden and those are really hard to move just for the heck of it.
We have been talking about the garden for several months weeks now. LookLeap has been going to some garden classes. I seem always to have plans on those nights. REALLY I do.
Stop laughing right now!
And we have a Master Gardener that lives just down the street from us and who also happens to have garden plots about 10 feet down the row from us. We are going to take her to lunch and suck all the information out of her brain.
And also, we have been able to switch our garden plots from ones that are smack in the middle of the every year flood plane
Is that the Mississippi River running through our lower 40?
To ones that have a bit better drainage thank the good Lord This is the garden plot as of this morning. We have had A LOT of rain lately. And there is only one little corner that has standing water. That is good. If you look up at the top of the picture to all that area where there is standing water and rivers. That is where we were last year.
Not good.
We have much better hopes for this year if it would ever get warm. Well, we are planning to get some cold weather stuff in the ground ASAP. Lettuce, peas, spinach. They are all calling our names.
I will just have to remember to put on my parka cuz it was C.O.L.D. out there this morning.
We are The Garden Hoes (NOT ‘ho’s thankyouverymuch) and the dirt, it calls us.
Nothing like a blank slate of fresh dirt to get the ol' taste buds watering!
ReplyDeleteWhen is that whole ground hog/shadow thing supposed to take affect? Shouldn't it be spring there yet? Snow? Really? Bummer.
ReplyDeleteSOME day I'll get out to my patch... and it's only on the other side of the garage... and not nearly as big as yours! I'm jealous!