Friday, March 11, 2011

7 Quick Takes (Vol 108) The Moo Moo Birthday Addition


Well, another week has flown. And usually this would be a recap/blather about the small things in the week. But not today. Because today…..

Is TMO’s 23rd birthday!!! Happy Birthday Moo Meister! This is your Quick Takes.

We should have had an inkling of TMO’s basic nature, she always has to be out front, when she was born because….she was three weeks early.
Top-20 (rev 0) Top-14 (rev 0)Someday, perhaps, I will tell you the story about Meg, the Cleveland Indians game, walking too far ahead of Mom….and the puddle. 

TMO has always been our athlete. Basket ball. Running.

As the video below will attest. She started her work out program early.

For some reason Live Writer is being a butthead today (sorry, I said butthead) and won’t let me embed the actual video so you will have to expend energy clicking on the link. I just got tired of trying to make it bend to my will.

Even at an early age TMO appreciated baked goods. She is a phenomenal baker now, as TSiL can attest.
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We are so proud of her “global mindedness” that is displayed in her work with NGOs and her months spent studying in Uganda. I am not sure that I would, at her age, have been willing and excited about spending four months in a place where I wasn’t going to be able to have a hot shower…the ENTIRE TIME…and have to do my laundry in a bucket in the wash room.

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It has always been a pleasure to watch her relationship with her sisters. Well, maybe not always a pleasure come to think of it. There were the “Apocalyptic Years” where we weren’t sure if the family was just going through growing up pains or if perhaps Armageddon had arrived and had started first at Chez Knit.

You think I am kidding?

I. Am. Not.

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TMO had the very good sense to bring TSiL into the family. He has made an excellent addition to our already slightly “off” family unit. He seems to get the odd family humor that we having swirling around here.
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So happy Birthday Meggie Moo Moo Petunia Meister. You are the best middle daughter a woman could ever ask for. Now go and play with your new toy that your wonderful hubby arranged for you to receive.

Love you!


1 comment:

  1. You know it just occurred to me that we've known each other since we were in diapers, but I've never met your kids, and I don't think you've ever met mine. Love all the pics of the three of them together. Coming from a 3-girl family, I can imagine exactly what those years were like! But we are good friends now, and I bet they are, too.


Thank you SOOO much for commenting. We bloggers, of which I am such a minnow in such a big pond, live for our comments.