They make me laugh and smile and want to take endless numbers of pictures of them. The whole picture taking thing is just part of the process. They know it is going to happen.
So, it is almost time for college to begin again and Shoe Queen is getting ready to back to those halls of higher learning but as one last “hurrah!” some of her friends were here over night to eat all my snacks and make strange noises in the basement and sleep three to a bed and wake me up at 2a with slamming doors and…..
Stepping off soap box now.
So we took a bunch of pictures and then I let them go back to grazing through my kitchen, eating the pita chips and the tortilla chips and having ice cream with peaches and drinking pop. They skeedadled to the basement and I went back to watching something educational on the TV, like The Real Housewives of New Jersey. Or maybe Smithsonian or something.
And after a while I started to hear some really strange noises coming from the basement.
What the heck is that? It sounds like Beaker from The Muppets Show. And what are those other sounds? And there is laughter. What the heck is going on?
So I crept downstairs, taking my camera of course, and what do I find….
Hello!! What are we 9 rather than 19? They were all speaking into the phone in odd voices and making sounds.
And when the prank phone call cops show up at my door I can, with confidence, quote Sgt. Schultz from Hogan’s Hero’s…………
Ignorance is my friend.
As I read your post I was reminded of how much it meant to me when my parents liked my friends. What a gift you've given your children.