We got used to having her at home and now she is gone. I sound like the dad in My Big Fat Greek Wedding.
You vant to leef me!!!!
Fine, fine. I enjoy having an empty nest, I will admit it. Things stay picked up. We don’t have to buy snacks that aren’t good for us and that we consume despite our thoughts to the contrary. I don’t have to worry that Shoe Queen made it back by her 1a curfew. And I don’t have to deal with her rolling her eyes at the fact that we actually had the audacity to tell her that she had to be home by 1a. Oh the indignity of it all. Oh the cruelty.
Oh brother.
And so on Sunday afternoon we hauled the mountain of stuff over to the dorm and moved her back in.
Sorry, I was watching Show Boat the other day and I got carried away.
This is what men look like after they spend time moving the modular furniture in the dorms.
I felt the building sway slightly and the windows rattled with the force of the greeting.
And then it was on to do some unpacking. I felt a great deal of guilt and wanted to help with Shoe Queen’s unpacking because last year, her freshman year, I had to sort of move her into the dorm, make sure that she was fed and had everything that she needed and then leave. TMO was leaving for Uganda two days later and we needed to get her ready to get on the plane. I couldn’t split myself in two, although there is plenty of me to go around, so we had to leave Shoe Queen to soldier on without us.
I felt a lot of guilt.
So I helped her unpack this time around because I am a good momma.
It is definitely quieter.
But the coffee will last a lot longer
Thanks for the vicarious trip to the college set off a lot of memories!