As we are all together for my Auntie Jane's memorial I realize that life goes on. We draw comfort from being all together and just sharing in the joys and the sorrows of life.

It was sweet yesterday to observe the newest member of our crazy clan, Natalie Jane, who was born just three weeks before her grammie's death. She is just yummy I must say. And it is always good to be reminded that there is life as well as death.

Auntie Heather and Natalie Jane
We spent the afternoon just being together and spending time watching the littlest members of the crew just being kids. Little ones unburdened by the sadness that the rest of us feel, just worrying that they weren't getting their fair share of the cookies that were piled everywhere. Just as an aside, the house is overflowing with food and flowers and stuff that people keep bringing.

Natalie Jane has sweet and undisturbed sleep. What could be better than that.
So sweet. I just love reading everything you write. Thanks for giving me about 30 minutes of entertainment and joy.