I love books (I might have mentioned that before somewhere). I love the feel of them, the smell of them (especially old library books). I love holding one in my hand and curling up in a chair and reading for hours. And yet, I am contemplating getting a Kindle (when I save up the money and AFTER buying Photoshop). But the Kindle would only be for traveling. We will see.
Even the thought of leeches makes me squirm and want to run away. It may be left over trauma from camp or the fact that for several years my brother had "pet" leeches. Ummmmm, they don't make good pets. Hard to interact in a loving way with something that basically wants to feed off of you. I mean, my dog eats because I feed him, but at least he looks at me with adoration. If a leech looks at you (do they have eyes?) he most likely thinks, "Wow look at that huge sack of blood!"
I wish that I had been more of a picture taker when the girls were younger. Yes, I had a camera (I actually had a rather nice camera that I never used) but I didn't have it sitting out, ready to go at a moments notice. I would love to say that I was just too busy, and that might have been true since I had 4 pregnancies (three live births) in 5 years, but really I have to admit that I just wasn't in the picture taking mode. And because of that I missed more shots like this one:

I find the sound of rain at night extremely soothing. Also another hold over from childhood I would think. My parents owned a second home in Northwestern Indiana for 42 years. They still own it in fact. When I was little my brother and I slept in bunk beds under a section of the roof that was actually a piece of corrugated fiberglass (which is now long gone after many renovations). The sound of the rain on that section of roof often lulled me to sleep.
I also absolutely love the sound of a train whistle blowing. Another childhood memory from the cottage where there is a train track close by and the trains would run at night and blow their horns. Even now, the sound will influence me to such a degree that I will agree to the purchase of pieces of property where I can hear the train go by in the distance. Ah such power.
I HATE red punch of any kind. I just can't get it past my throat. It must be a reaction to an unfortunate incident in college involving Hawaiian Punch and Everclear. The worst (and really only) hangover I have ever had. I vowed the next day, as I soaked in the apartment complex pool with sunglasses on on a day where there was no sun to speak of, to never drink to excess EVER again and I have kept that vow.
Cold pizza is the perfect breakfast food.
Olives in any form are also the perfect food. Kalamata? Bring them on! Black olives from a can? The perfect snack food.
Well, I am done with randomness for a time. Have a great day and do something random.
Wow--we have some things in common. I had 4 pregnancices and 4 live births in a little less than 4 years. After 4 who has time to take those pics I wish I had?
ReplyDeleteNow I want some cold pizza. Sigh.
ReplyDeleteIs it weird that I don't know you but still enjoyed that post?! I love these little things that make us all unique.