I love this.

So, Thursday was Steve's birthday. Steve works in the office with HHBL and I. We always get birthday cakes for birthdays and we always get the yummy ones from the bakery at the grocery store. Oh joy, oh joy. Thursday was no exception.
I wasn't in the office on Thursday, I got to work from home (BWAHAHAHAHAHA) but they kindly sent home a piece of the luscious, scrumptious cake for me. A lovely, generous piece that I looked at with longing and anticipation. Oh, I knew what that first bite of lovely, fatty, sugar coma inducing frosting would taste like.
But, I wanted to prolong the ecstasy so I only nibbled on it a little. I saved most of it to savor on Friday. I thought about my cake, I dreamed about it. I had a bit more on Friday morning. I went shopping with Progeny #3, Shoe Queen. And then.......disaster struck.
We arrived home from our trip to the thrift store where Shoe Queen had scored some excellent stuff. She wanted to wash said articles of goodness right away. She walked into the laundry room and I heard her say, "Oh Max, you have been a bad boy!!" Hmmmm. It didn't register at first, I was well into doing something in my office. But then, her words pierced my brain like a heat seaking missle. MY CAKE!!!! NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO.
I rushed into the kitchen and immediately say the empty space on the counter where my piece of cake had been. I looked once, I looked twice. Perhaps I had moved it? But then, I had to confront the reality that disaster had overtaken my lovely piece of cake. I went into the laundry room and was confronted by..................this.

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